Video Tutorial
Increase 1: Knit front back, at the beginning and at the end of each row with increases
Increase 2: Make 1, in the middle of the slippers at the rows of increases
Row 1: Cast on 23 stitches
Row 2: Knit stitch
Row 3: 1 increase, 10 knit stitch, 1 increase , 1 knit stitch, 1 increase, 10 knit stitch, 1 increase (27 sitches)
Row 4: Knit stitch (27 sitches)
Row 5: 1 increase, 11 knit stitch, 1 increase, 3 knit stitch, 1 increase, 11 knit stitch, 1 increase (31 sitches)
Row 6: Knit stitch (31 sitches)
Row 7: 1 increase, 12 knit stitch, 1 increase, 1 knit stitch, 1 increase, 3 knit stitch, 1 increase, 1 knit stitch, 1 increase, 12 knit stitch, 1 increase (37 sitches)
Row 8: Knit stitch (37 sitches)
Row 9: 1 increase, 13 knit stitch, 1 increase, 3 knit stitch, 1 increase, 3 knit stitch, 1 increase, 3 knit stitch, 1 aumento, 13 knit stitch, 1 increase (43 sitches)
Rows 10-12: knit stitch (43 sitches)
Rows 13-21: Star stitch (see te video)
Row 22: 18 knit stitch, knit 2 together, knit 3 together, knit 2 together, 18 knit stitch
Row 23: Star stitch
Row 24: 12 knit stitch, repeat 5 times knit 3 together, 12 knit stitch
Rows 25-26: Knit stitch (29 sitches)
Row 27: 7 knit stitch, bind off 15 stitches, 7 knit stitch
From here work the slippers inverse, to leave the button hole at the opposite sides
Side of the button:
Rows 1-8: Knit stitch
Bind off all the stitches
Buttonhole side:
Rows 1-2: Knit stitch
Row 3: Cast on 18 in the central part of the slipper
Rows 4-5: Knit stitch
Row 6: 1 knit stitch , knit 2 together, 1yarn over, 1 slip knit pss.o, knit all the stitches to the end of the row
Rows 7-8: Knit stitch
Bind off all the stitches
Sew the back part and the sole of the slipper, and sew the button in one side of the shoe