Video Tutorial
Prepare the case llike we show on the video
Pattern of the fabric
Round 1: 6 single crochet magic ring (6 stitches)
Round 2: 1 increase around (12 stitches)
Round 3: *1 single crochet, 1 increase* Repeat aorund (18 stitches)
Round 4: *2 single crochet, 1 increase* Repeat around (24 stitches)
Round 5: *3 single crochet, 1 increase* Repeat around (30 stitches)
Round 6: *4 single crochet, 1 increase* Repeat around (36 stitches)
Round 7: *5 single crochet, 1 increase* Repeat around (42 sttiches)
Make the changes of colour following the picture
Round 8: Back loops only, 1 single crochet around
Rounds 9 to have the legth needed: 1 single crochet around

Repeat the same with the top