Full Pattern of the Athena Blanket

This pattern is complete, and will be updated automatically each week as the challenge progresses.
The pattern of every part includes the chart and the written pattern of each row, the gauge, foundation chain and the double border PDF pattern of the Athena Blanket to DOWNLOAD
This pattern is complete, and will be updated automatically each week as the challenge progresses.

The pattern of every part includes the chart and the written pattern of each row, the gauge, foundation chain and the double border




This pattern is complete, and will be updated automatically each week as the challenge progresses.
The pattern of every part includes the chart and the written pattern of each row, the gauge, foundation chain and the double border PDF pattern of the Athena Blanket to DOWNLOAD
This pattern is complete, and will be updated automatically each week as the challenge progresses.

The pattern of every part includes the chart and the written pattern of each row, the gauge, foundation chain and the double border


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